U.S Markets closed 3% higher Yesterday. Asian Markets are also Mostly in Green. Trump has cautioned U.S Citizens that if the lockdown rules are not being followed Strictly then in coming 2 weeks the deaths in U.S could surge to more than a lakh. Lockdown has been extended to 30th April in some parts of U.S . Indian Institute of Medical Research Yesterday in their Press Conference mentioned that they have not obtained any Proofs of Community Transmission yet ( Stage 3) . It would be a Tremendous job if we Eradicate the spread of Corona Virus at Stage 2 itself. Indian Government also Clarified Yesterday that they are not planning to Extend the lockdown beyond 21 day period. There is not a lot of Incremental Negative news related to Corona Virus all over the World except in U.S Cases in U.S have surged to 1.4 lakh. Observing Yesterdays Market I can say that we are in the last round of selling now. In First round of selling all the low Quality stocks fall by 60-70% but Bluechip